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Home » Why is My Hamster Losing Hair?

Why is My Hamster Losing Hair?

  • Hamsters

If your hamster starts losing their hair, it can be cause for concern. Not only because hamsters are objectively cuter with hair, but also because hair loss can indicate something more serious, such as an illness or infestation.

There are often various reasons that cause hair loss in a hamster and it’s important to address the cause as soon as possible. Because the sooner it’s addressed, the less likely your furry friend is to have serious consequences.

In the following article, we’re going to cover the most common reasons for hair loss, skin diseases, and the most common hair related questions when it comes to your hamster. And with all articles, we’ll start out with a table of contents, so feel free to click to any link to be taken directly ot that section.

Table of Contents

    And without further ado, let’s answer the Internet’s most common question, why is your hamster losing their hair.

    Why is My Hamster Losing Hair?

    Why is My Hamster Losing Hair

    Hamster hair loss is always a physical ailment that is typically a symptom of some larger cause. Here are the most common reasons why your hamster may be losing hair:

    • Stress: Hamsters are generally anxious animals that can become easily stressed. And this stress can lead to physical issues, including hair loss. If you notice your hamster chewing their cage, making scared noises, and/or see their hair falling out, you may need to reevaluate their environment to reduce their stress levels and make them more comfortable
    • Poor nutrition: A balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do for your hamster. Without one, they may miss out on vital nutrients and minerals that keep them healthy, including their fur. If you start to notice hair loss, do a quick check of their diet to make sure they aren’t any major issues.
    • Illness: If your hamster isn’t stressed and they have a good diet, the most likely cause of hair loss is a physical illness. As soon as you notice the hair loss occurring, consult with your veterinarian. Many times there’s not much that can be done, but the sooner the illness is caught, the higher a chance of survival.
    • Mites: One of the grossest and concerning reasons for hair loss in a hamster is mites. We’ll go into more depth in the section below, but mites are generally the result of poor hygiene and can lead to other, more serious health issues.

    Hair loss in hamsters can happen for a few different reasons, but stress, poor nutrition, and illness are the most common reasons. If you start to notice hair loss, immediately try to reduce their stress and ensure they have a balanced diet.

    If your hamster has other signs of an illness, you will want to consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible to address any sickness.

    Is it Bad If My Hamster Has Hair Loss on Their Face?

    Any hair loss is bad because it is a symptom of a more serious underlying cause, such as stress, a poor diet, mites, or even serious illness. If your hamster is experiencing hair loss, determine the cause and work to remedy the situation right away.

    Is it Bad If My Hamster Has Hair Loss on Their Face

    Often times we may think about hair loss as it’s own issue and not tie it back to the larger issue at hand. However, hair loss by itself isn’t the end of the world for your furry friend, but it can indicate a more serious issue.

    Hair loss is just a symptom of something larger. And depending on the cause, it can be the difference between life and death. The less serious scenarios are just stress and a poor diet, both of which are easily remedied. The most serious issues are mite infestations and illnesses that can ultimately lead to death if not treated properly.

    So yes, it is bad if your hamster has hair loss on their face because it’s the sign of something more serious that can lead to premature death if not taken care of properly. Always consult with a veterinarian as soon as you start to notice any hair loss with your hamster, on their face or otherwise.

    Hamster Skin Diseases That Result in Hair Loss

    One of the more serious health issues that result in hair loss are skin and other types of diseases afflicting your hamster. If you notice any of these, it’s important to address them as soon as possible with your veterinarian to prevent any further and more serious issues.

    T-Cell Lymphoma (Cancer)

    As with most humans and animals, hamsters can develop cancer and they are not immune to the devastating effects of the disease. Just as in humans, cancer causes physical symptoms, which can include hair loss.

    Unfortunately, this is not something that your hamster will easily come back from. And while you should take them to a veterinarian for a professional diagnosis and opinion, the most you’ll be able to do is make your hamster comfortable for the remainder of their life.

    So if you start to notice hair loss, it’s important to get a professional opinion to immediately rule out cancer as the cause.

    Mite Infestations

    Hamster Mite Infestations Causing Hair Loss

    Mite infestations are a common cause of hamster hair loss and are arguably one of the more disgusting and concerning afflictions out there. Think of mites as lice or other small bugs that can get in the skin and fur of your hamster and live there.

    As mentioned, mite cause hair loss, which is one of the more obvious physical symptoms, but they can also cause itching, bleeding, physical pain, and other serious issues. So if you notice your hamster acting weird or in regular pain, it could be due to a mite infestation.

    Luckily, these types of infestations can be treated with medicine provided by a veterinarian after a professional diagnosis. So this is another great reason to immediately take your hamster to the vet as soon as you notice any hair loss. Because the sooner it’s addressed, the sooner your furry friend can get back to being their normal, cuddly selves.


    Alopecia is the last major cause of hair loss and you may have heard the term before because it can happens to people too. However, the cause and description of alopecia is a little different in hamsters.

    In hamsters, alopecia just generally refers to hair loss and isn’t exactly the same disease as it is in people. Alopecia in hamsters is most often caused by old age or a lack of nutrition, such as iron in their diet.

    So if you start to notice hair loss in your furry friend, it could just be a symptom of a long and happy life. However, it’s always important to rule out the more serious issues first so you can catch anything detrimental as soon as possible.

    Additional Reading

    If you’d like to read more about hamster hair loss, the diseases listed above, or other hamster grooming content, check out these related links:


    And there you have it! Hair loss in hamsters is not common, but it does occur. And when it happens, the reasons are generally serious and need to be investigated to prevent further injury or harm. While hair loss is just a symptom, it can be a sign of a more serious, underlying cause, such as stress, skin disease, or mite infestation.

    As always, this article should serve as a precursor look at potential causes, but you should always follow up with a consultation with your veterinarian if you suspect something is wrong. Only they can provide the most accurate and professional advice to your hamster’s specific situation.

    So if you start to notice hair loss in your hamster, consult with your veterinarian right away.