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When Do Hamsters Stop Growing?

Hamsters are small, furry animals and they come in a wide range of sizes, although every size is still small. You may be asking yourself, when do hamsters stop growing and you’re not the only one with that question, so we wrote this article to provide the answer to that and more.

Hamsters generally stop growing around 8 months, however some may stop growing before then and others afterwards. But most hamsters will have reached their full size by then. And since hamsters live about 2 – 3 years, they reach their full size about 20 – 30% through their full lifespan.

But don’t leave just yet, there’s more to know about hamsters and their growth, including how big they get and how to know when they’ve stopped growing entirely. You can click any of the links below to be taken directly to that section or just keep reading for more information.

Table of Contents

    First, let’s talk about how big hamsters get and why the size of hamsters varies.

    How Big Do Hamsters Get?

    How Big Do Hamsters Get

    It may seem silly to think about how big hamsters can get, when they never really get that big. They are small animals and come in a range of different sizes, all of them fairly small. But it’s important to know that their overall size mainly depends on the breed of hamster. So whether you have a Dwarf, Syrian, or Roborovski hamster will generally dictate their size.

    Dwarf hamsters will get about 2 to 4 inches long, while Syrian hamsters can get up to 6 inches long. The smallest hamster is the Roborovski hamster, which only gets to a max length of about 2 inches. However, while they are the smallest, they make up for that in speed and agility.

    The Syrian hamster is the largest breed of hamster and as a result, you will rarely find hamsters longer than 6 inches that are domesticated. In the wild, you may find longer hamsters, but when kept in cages, fed regularly, and provided with a safe environment, your hamster likely won’t get larger than 6 inches long.

    Hamsters never really get that tall either. Most hamsters will be around 2 to 3 inches tall, ultimately depending on the breed.

    What Age Do Hamsters Stop Growing?

    Hamsters generally stop growing around 8 months old when they reach their full size. Some may continue to grow a little bit after 8 months and others will stop growing before, but 8 months is around the general time when a hamster stops.

    What Age Do Hamsters Stop Growing

    Their overall size mainly depends on the breed of hamster, but you can expect Dwarf hamsters to stop growing sooner than other breeds, such as Syrian or Roborovski.

    Contrary to popular belief, there’s nothing that can really be done to prevent or encourage hamster growth. The best thing you can do is feed them a balanced diet of specially designed pellets, clean their cage regularly, and give them sufficient toys to exercise and play with.

    Hamsters will grow to anywhere between 2 and 6 inches in length and weigh between 4 and 8 ounces. Male hamsters will generally be a bit larger than females and as they age to maturity, they may become less active. Younger hamsters will always be on the wheel, exploring, and generally have a more active lifestyle.

    How Can You Tell if a Hamster is Done Growing?

    As mentioned earlier, hamsters are small animals so sometimes it can be difficult to tell when they’re done growing. While you can always consider 8 months about the time when they stop, sometimes you don’t know when they were born, especially if you bought them at a pet store.

    However, there are a few ways to tell if your hamster is done growing:

    • Age: Hamsters will be their full size at around 8 months. If you know roughly when your hamster was born, this can be the easiest way to tell when they’re done growing.
    • Size and Weight: Hamsters should grow to become 2 to 6 inches when they are done growing and weigh around 4 to 8 ounces. It’s not an exact science and some hamsters can grow to be larger or stay smaller, but this is the general size they’ll be when done growing.
    • Teeth: A lesser known way to tell when a hamster is done growing is by looking at their teeth. Hamsters have very small teeth, but the overall size of their teeth grow with them. So if your hamster’s teeth are still growing, so are they.
    • Coat: When a hamster is fully grown, their fur should be full with no lingering bald spots. If you notice they don’t have a full coat quite yet, they may still be growing.

    While there’s no single answer as to when a hamster stops growing, you can consider their age, size, weight, teeth, and coat to get an idea of when they’re done. If all of those factors are met with the considerations above, you can be confident that they are done growing and reached their full size.

    Additional Reading

    If you’re interested in reading more about hamster’s growth, their habits, and more, check out the related articles below:


    The question of when do hamsters stop growing and how big they can get is one of the most commonly asked by pet owners. It’s fun to know how big your hamster will get and when they’ve reached their full size. But sometimes it’s hard to tell.

    Hamsters should reach their full size of about 2 to 6 inches in length and 4 to 8 ounces in weight, depending on their breed. While most hamsters are done growing when they’re about 8 months old, some can continue to grow and others may reach their full size sooner.

    You can always consider their age, size, teeth, and coat to get a better idea of when they’re done growing. But the most important thing is you give your a hamster a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle and environment so they can reach their full size in a healthy manner.